Ebook working committee

After discussion with the Alumni groups and suggestions from them. We quickly formed a cross-region network eBook working group. More info here

I contacted a few students and associates to form the Ebook working group base on the aim to share ideas and promote Urban Design. They are all very excited. In a few days, we will meet online to discuss further base on the suggestion and discussion in our previous meeting. I started this Urban Design blog site to facilitate casual and speedy communications. It will be made known, once the Ebook working group comes together. 

Very fortunately we found leaders and members based on their residential geography who are willing to take up the responsibilities to gather and share ideas.

  1. Wang Xing – China Lead
  2. Ngo Minh Hung – Vietnam Lead
  3. Ankur Choudhury – India Lead
  4. Athanasios – Australia, New Zealand Lead
  5. Choo Meng Foo – Singapore Chief Lead
  6. Bee Lan – Singapore, member

We are also looking for articles reviewers too, if there are professors (with PhD) would be great, if the submission needs to be reviewed.

Thanks, Yihan and Zhuoshu for the general section of the Content. It will be discussed and deliberated by the Ebook Working Committee. It is a great start!

Some initial discussions with the leads had brought up the information flow disruption in China and the sluggishness of access between China and other countries. So Wang Xing volunteered to set up a mirror site in China. A thumbs up for him.

We are into a good start with more supporting working members and leaders. Hooray!!!

Meanwhile, if there are people who want to join the Ebook working committee please forward my email to them so I can touch base with them. 

Some preliminary content structure:

  1. Messages from Dean, Directors, Professors, Notable Urban Design stakeholders
  2. History of MAUD, Memories, and Stories
  3. Urban design articles
  4. Interviews, discussion recordings, etc
  5. Notable studio design works
  6. Feature present design and practices

My contact: choomengfoo@hotmail.com 

scan with wechat ID : choomengfoo


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