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Athanasios Tsakonas is a practising architect, urban designer, master builder and writer. With a background in public housing, he is a founding partner and design principal of Singapore based, design consultancy Tan + Tsakonas Architects. Practising extensively throughout Asia, the Middle East and Australia, he also runs a small design & build studio in Melbourne exploring contemporary condition. Through new approaches to urban housing amidst the wider social and built environment, the aim is to better understand space and place through local narratives and through the development of micro projects. A contributor to local and overseas journals, his articles have appeared in Singapore Architect, BiblioAsia and Fabrications.
Athanasios holds BArch Studies and BArch degrees from the University of Adelaide, majoring in Architectural History & Theory. In 1998, he completed an MA in Urban Design at the National University of Singapore, with his thesis exploring the influence of spatial relationships upon specific cultures through their congestion and conviviality. As of 2020, he tutors final year Design Thesis students at the University of Melbourne, with an emphasis on dissonant heritage. Linkedin.
王星 (Wang Xing) 先生就读于武汉大学建筑学系城市规划专业、新加坡国立大 学城市设计专业、香港大学跨专业设计与管理专业。曾服务于广东省 城乡规划设计研究院、新加坡新工集团 (CPG CONSULTANT 高级建筑 师)、世界五百强阿特金斯(ATKINS 中国区副董事,)同时荣获全球 杰出贡献奖,世界五百强 AECOM(中国区规划与设计总监,资深助理 董事)等职务。多次荣获国家级省级优秀规划与设计奖。 王星先生具有在中国、新加坡、亚洲城市规划与开发实践领域具 有二十余年的国际及本土从业经验。在城市规划、城市设计、建筑设 计、城市更新、文旅开发、城市街道广场、TOD 发展模式、都市空间 与人行为模式研究、公共空间使用与管理方面具有丰富的实践经验。 主持项目曾多次获得建设部优秀规划设计及广东省优秀规划设计奖。 具体领域包括了乡村振兴规划与设计、文旅项目规划与设计、度 假区设计与规划、运动和休闲区规划、城市中心区(CBD)扩张规划、 工业园区规划与设计、大型居住区设计,步行街区设计,滨水区城市 设计与规划、公共空间及街道景观研究以及城市更新区都市活提升及 其步行化研究、云南人文地理文化研究与实践。 王星先生自 2010 年本着理论指导实践从事地产开发工作,历任 总经理/副总裁负责房地产项目操盘和集团公司负责前期、土地、产 品设计工作,将地产开发和产品设计相互结合,具有丰富的理论与实 践的经验,以系统的思考方式进行建筑规划实践工作,主持操盘文化 旅游小镇、大型居住社区、学校、大理希尔顿酒店、丽江希尔顿花园 酒店、商业步行街、写字楼等开发项目,具有丰富的项目实施工作经 验。 王星先生自 2015 年专注品质建筑设计、乡村振兴与文旅投资、 规划与开发领域,以乡村经济振兴、文化复兴为视角,产品设计为导 向,构建多元民族特色的乡村振兴为方向,专注文旅项目的投资、规 划、开发、运营相结合实践工作。 主要完成业绩: 雅居乐商业管理集团腾冲栖花岭 4A 景区规划、设计与实 施。西藏林芝工布江达县错高村传统村落暨松赞山居酒店规划与设计、 云南维西昌布日(寿国寺)旅游度假村规划与设计、昆明抚仙湖禄充 村传统村落整体提升计划、云南怒江人文地理主题馆设计与施工、怒 江丙中洛雾里村综合提升规划与设计、云南临沧永德县大忙简村、旧 城村佤族传统村落保护与发展规划,并成功申报进入国家级中国传统 村落名录、玉溪抚仙湖禄冲村景区提档升级总体规划、玉溪市升级示 范村规划(二十个村落)、维西昆明阳宗海华侨城总体规划与设计、 深圳宝安中心区规划与设计、成都中海国际设计(中国第一个大型居 住区开发)、昆明润城规划与设计、昆明滇池“四退三还”规划与设 计、昆明西山度假区整体城市设计、昆明泛亚金融产业聚集园区总体 规划、广东惠州巽寮湾北京金融街金海湾规划与设计、中海成都国际 社区规划与建筑设计、武汉博览中心规划与设计、华夏幸福固安工业 园区规划与设计、新加坡苏州工业园规划与设计等规划与设计工作。 王星先生在建设实践方面具有丰富的政府专业协调经验,同时王 星先生英文流利,具有先进的策划、规划及开发理念;具有与不同文 化背景团队协调能力。 Ar. Ankur Choudhury is a practicing architect and urban designer. He is the co-founder of OEP (Office of Emergent Practices) based in Tezpur, Assam, India, a multidisciplinary architectural design and planning studio which explores design interventions in a way that can empower and evolve communities, local cultures & traditions. Our approach is inclusive; with social, practical, and environmental issues integrated within the process. For us, architecture is not a matter of a certain style or form, but more importantly its adaptability to the local context, its social life, its users, and the immediate co-existing environment. Ankur completed his Bachelor in Architecture from Shivaji University (2004-09), Maharastra and Master of Arts in Urban Design from The National University of Singapore, Singapore (2012-13). He has gained professional experience working in offices across India, Singapore & Switzerland related to urban design, architecture & master planning projects. He has been a part of the Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) of the Singapore ETH Centre and the Institute for Historic Building Research and Conservation at ETH Zurich as a researcher, which aims to research, understand, and actively respond to challenges of global environmental sustainability and to shape sustainable future cities. More ...
William Ti Jr. is the principal architect and founder of WTA Architecture and Design Studio. He is the founder and director of Anthology Festival, Shelter Magazine, and The Book Stop Project, and writes the City of Tomorrow column for the Philippine Daily Inquirer. He is also an adjunct professor at Taylor’s University, Malaysia. is a strong advocate of social architecture that promotes architecture that builds communities. Projects of note developed by WTA include The Book Stop Project in Intramuros, Manila; the 419-hectare Horizon Manila; the open source Emergency Quarantine Facilities throughout the Philippines; and the Riverlane, the Pasig River’s first pedestrian bridge. He is currently working on developing new ideas about the Human Environment in various urban planning projects, and engaging stakeholders and demystifying the design process through WTA Labs. Facebook ...
Vietnam Desk Dr. Ngo Minh Hung is Head of International Cooperation and Scientific Research Department; General Director, Institute of Cultural Heritage and Development Studies, Van Lang University Dr. Ngo Minh Hung has more than 25 years of experience in conducting research, practical teaching, and project management in Vietnam, Singapore, and Thailand. He has participated in educational and research institutes, government administration, foreign business firms and non-government organisations (NGOs) in Vietnam. His various projects, papers, and several books have been applied and published widely (nationally and internationally). Linkedin ... |
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